ReWild! began as a collaborative venture with Ladies of the Lake, an organization that has now evolved into The Ontario Water Centre. This pilot was scaled up to become ReWilding Lake Simcoe, a collaborative initiative of over $1.6 million to advance the impact of significant community action to help Lake Simcoe while enriching people’s lives. By combining social, scientific and technological innovation, ReWilding is fuelling the renaissance of Lake Simcoe communities through deep and beautiful change that comes from enhancing the relationship between people and nature. ReWilding Lake Simcoe is:
– 24 on-the-ground projects around the Lake Simcoe watershed.
– New entrepreneurial opportunities.
– New design concepts, products and inventions including a new approach to community stormwater management systems.
– Communities, government, institutions of higher education and NGOs coming together to help to Lake Simcoe in exciting in new ways.
For further information go to www.rewilding.ca. In addition the initial concepts of ReWild! piloted through a 2.5 year project entitled ReWilding Keswick Creeks. The story of this pilot, its learning and outcomes are profiled in an ibook available for free on itunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/rewilding/id582702606?mt=11